Forge Fedriga Green Magazine n.2

Our project of spreading news regarding the environmental topics and impacts generated by Forge Fedriga production goes on with this second issue.


In January 2014, our environmental management system sustained and passed the audit performed by the accredited body RINA for the maintenance of the ISO 14001 certification.
This body in recording the minutes of the audit, detected a consolidated environmental management system well integrated with the company operative daily nature.


According to the provincial and regional authorizations got for the industrial sewage drain into the C.I.S. (acronym standing for rivers) and exactly into the Oglio river, Forge Fedriga has started an adjustment project of the inner water system drain.
An anti-dumping protection system has been installed upriver of the drain in order to safeguard the river form possible accidental dumping. In the first months of the current year, water samples have been taken from two existing drains toward the public sewerage.
It has been certified the compliance with the parameters stated in Tab.3, attachment 5 of the decree n° 152/06. The results of these tests have been supplied to the supervisory board.


Over the last few years our company has adequate itself concerning the SISTRI legislative fulfilment (wastes traceability system).
Therefore, Forge Fedriga is operative with respect to the last news stated in the Decree n° 126/2014 published in the Official Gazette.
The production trend and the consequent special waste disposal result in line with the last two years.
Positive notes:
• It has been registered a slight reduction of the oil emulsion discharge thanks to a preventive separations and reutilization before collecting shavings.
• More specific and effective collection measures of wastes produced by dye penetrant and laboratory activities at Berzo Inferiore premises, have been adopted.


The photovoltaic system installed in 2011 on the roof of Cividate Camuno premises produced “clean electric energy” in 2013 equal to 7% of the company energy requirement producing a reduction of environmental emissions equal to 130 Ton of CO2.


The management activity for the noises and vibration emission control produced by the Cividate Camuno Forge compartment, has been given to a Society specialized in environmental consultancy according to the resolution n°22 dated 27/03/2013 issued by the Cividate Camuno municipality. This society is currently performing these checks.