Publication of the graduation thesis “La forgiatura in Valle Camonica” (Forging history in the Camonica Valley)

Forge Fedriga, together with the Circolo Culturale Ghislandi, have promoted the graduation thesis written by Mrs. Francesca Calvetti, entitled ‘La forgiatura in Valle Camonica’.

MS. Calvetti thesis, that makes part of the series “Il tempo e la memoria – il lavoro” (time and memory – work) it’s an important study on the history of the iron and steel industry in the Camonica Valley, starting from the prehistoric origins territory, passing to the Bienno forges of XIX century up to the modern forges companies of this area.

For Forge Fedriga it was significant to give emphasis to this work because it is an important evidence of the great history and tradition that our territory and its residents boast in the iron and steel field.