Forge Fedriga Green Magazine n.7

Information sharing which regards environmental issues is basic in Forge Fedriga’s relationship with all interested parties (stakeholders). Therefore, we are publishing 7th edition of “Green Magazine”.


On 06/10/2016 Forge Fedriga’s Board of Directors approved the Organizational Model, Code of Ethics, Disciplinary Regulations, and the Supervisory Board in accordance with the requirements of the Legislative Decree 231 dated 8/06/2001 “Regulation of the administrative liability of legal entities, companies, and associations also the ones without legal personality”. The decree sets a regime of liability for companies for certain offences committed in the interest or on the benefit of the company by persons who exercise management or control, or by their subordinates. An example are environmental crimes (Art.25 – undecies). With the establishment of the Organizational Model, the company has adopted an organization able to effectively prevent this type of crime. The task of the Supervisory Board composed of external experts is to control and continuously verify the effectiveness of the model. This act, together with the ISO 14001 environmental certification, further puts the central focus of FORGE FEDRIGA on the total respect of the Environment.


The Legislative Decree 102/2014 has allocated 15 million € to co-finance regional programs aimed at encouraging energy audits in small and medium-sized companies (PMI) or the adoption of energy management systems according to ISO 50001. Forge Fedriga participated in the program issued by the Lombardy Region and received the co-financing. In December 2016 the energy audit started being carried out by a team of experienced professionals in the field. The energy audit is a comprehensive analysis of equipment of major centers of energy consumption and costs, with the aim of identifying intervention areas based on the Best Available Technologies. This energy audit is a preparatory activity for the next energy certification according to ISO 50001 and constitutes Forge Fedriga’s goal in saving the planet’s resources.


Quality Control Department situated in Berzo Inferiore (BS) was the object of restructuring. The execution of plant changes affected the Laboratory and the sector of non-destructive tests; we made all the improvements for the proper management and compliance with the law of special waste including the collection of substance waste coming from corrosion tests. Additionally, a cabin for the execution of penetrant liquid tests (PT) has been purchased.


North Oglio Park takes its name from the river, which flows in the Camonica Valley and, after being thrown into the Sebino near Pisogne, it takes its course in the southwest area of the lake (and therefore not far from Sulzano) , to reach the Po valley and join the Po River. The Oglio is an important river of historical importance that over the centuries has influenced the economic and social part of the area. Today it can be admired because of its natural views of rural beauty. The North Oglio Park organization manages the protected area established along the river and includes at least 34 municipalities in the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, and Cremona towards the south direction. In the house of the North Oglio Park, near Torre Pallavicina, there is a center of the Supervisory Ecologic Body, right inside an ancient characteristic mill. Near the passage of the river there is an Environmental Learning Center as well as a restaurant and a hostel for tourists.
The North Oglio Park captivates the visitor above all for its rich flora and fauna. Altogether it has not fewer than 7 natural reserves, all along the central part of the river and on the border of The South Oglio Park. The river itself and the surrounding area are a home for animals, birds, and enchanting flora. It seems a fantasy world, yet it is real, and one can immerse oneself in this completely safe magic of unspoiled nature. In summer 2016 “The Floating Pears” international event took place on the Iseo Lake, which put in the center of attention the Lake and the environment itself plus all the connected environmental situations to be protected.