Forge Fedriga Green Magazine n.8

Information and sharing environmental matters are what the relationship of Forge Fedriga with all its stakeholders is based on. We are publishing the 8th Issue of the “Green Magazine”.


In the annual publication of the 2017 Sustainability Report published by FEDERACCIAI, in the section on the social responsibility initiatives of its member companies, FORGE FEDRIGA is mentioned amongst the virtuous examples. Two initiatives are mentioned (page 117 of the report, see the extract attached). The first concerns the show on Safety entitled “ Safety on stage – Stories of Metal-sharecroppers” held in 2015 in company plants; a truly unusual, compelling theatrical performance that touched on all Workplace Health and Safety topics. The second concerned the collaboration between Forge Fedriga and the Professional Training Centre “Zanardelli” of Darfo B.T. which, in 2016 and 2017, gave some students the possibility to live a work experience in the forging departments directly; to create specific metal processing skills. We kindly invite you to read the 2017 Sustainability Report because it is important to understand the extraordinary technological progress that the iron and steel process has made in the last decades; making a 25% reduction in specific energy consumption possible from 1995 till now; along with 25% in water consumption, 20% in the production of waste and 35% direct emissions of CO2.


A modern, new, penetrating liquids control cabin has been installed in the Berzo Inferiore (BS) plant where they perform tests and ship out products forged by Forge Fedriga. This control consists in applying specific liquids that can penetrate the material through capillary action to the surfaces of forged pieces. This enables us to detect the slightest surface defect. The new, fully automated, cabin enables these controls in a completely closed environment where these liquids, resulting from the subsequent washing of the forged pieces, are then collected through a grid and conveyed to a tank to be disposed of as special waste in compliance with laws in force. In this way, any emissions and vapours spread in the air can also be eliminated. A considerable improvement guaranteeing better environmental compliance than the manual collection previously performed.


When the Berzo Inferiore test Laboratory was Accredited to standard ISO EN 17025, the Forge Fedriga material test laboratory premises were also expanded and renewed. A new, equipped room was designed for corrosion tests where each test is conducted in a closed environment and under an aspirated, filtered hood. Laboratory residues are collected automatically and conveyed to a specific hermetic container to then be recovered and disposed of as special hazardous waste through qualified companies.


The local Park of Supra-Municipal interest of Lake Moro extends in the lower Camonica Valley, in the province of Brescia; including a vast green area in the municipalities of Darfo Boario Terme and Angolo Terme, at an average height of 380m above sea level. It is at the confluence of two water basins: the one in the Camonica Valley, marked by the river Oglio flowing from the High Valley area to Lake Iseo, and that of the Val di Scalve, deeply shaped by the Dezzo torrent, which touches the Park in its Northern part (Sorline), flowing into the Oglio in Darfo. From a naturalistic point of view the Park is in an area with the highest biodiversity concentration level in Europe. That condition is made possible by the co-presence of the Mediterranean climate of Lake Iseo and the glacial one of the Adamello at a distance of just 48 km. With a favourable effect on the local agri-food production such as cheeses, honey, grapes and olives. The area is truly varied: from the natural Basin of Lake Moro to the route crossing the Monticolo elevation, from the path leading to the lake, through Sorline, to Gorzone, with the Luine visiting routes. Furthermore, thanks to a special micro-climate, the Sorline area develops Mediterranean scrub vegetation, very different to the rest of the Valle Camonica.

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