Forge Fedriga Green Magazine n.13

Information and sharing on environmental topics underline the relationship between Forge Fedriga and all its stakeholders. We are publishing the 13th Issue of the “Green Magazine”.


Starting from February 2020, the municipality of Cividate Camuno has introduced a few changes in the collection method of plastic, glass and cans (the so-called multi-materials) packaging. Plastic packaging will be collected separately in transparent bags, whereas glass and cans will remain in the blue container. In its environmental policy, Forge Fedriga has placed collaboration with the parties concerned at the forefront and will adjust its internal waste collection system in order to meet this change. Promoting and improving selective waste collection is a duty in order to safeguard the environment, and everyone must start from their own territory.


A year after the energy certification (ISO50001) with which Forge Fedriga wanted to focus on the issues of control and improvement of its consumption of resources, it is now time to take stock. It had positive results with regard to specific electricity consumption, which means that the KWh consumed to produce one kilogramme of forged product have been reduced by 20%. A result that is partly favoured by factors of the scale economy, but also by the optimisation of the production processes. Encouraging results also with regard to electrical consumption dedicated to the compressed air service, with a 50% decrease in the energy performance index, which means the kWh consumed per hour of compressor operation. Controlling and intervening on energy waste is a rightful duty for the environment.


The first photovoltaic plant installed by Forge Fedriga, which had an overall power of 200 KW, dates back to 2010. It was a highly positive choice with regard to the environment and which contributes to an annual reduction of approximately 100 tonnes of CO2.A small number, but it is important for everyone to play their part. Since a surface area is still available, partly in the Cividate Camuno plant and partly at the raw material warehouse in Berzo Inferiore, Forge Fedriga is considering installing other photovoltaic panels for a total of approximately 100 KW.


A play called “Il virus che ti salva la vita” [The virus that saves your life] by Rossolevante was staged on 27/09/2019 at Forge Fedriga’s production departments. The show with Silvia Cattoi, Juri Piroddi and Antonio Sida was inspired from “Il libro che ti salva la vita” [The book that saves your life] by Sabatino De Sanctis and Davide Scotti.
It was a very touching representation, which, by emotionally involving the audience, talks about the important issue of Safety at work.
It seems to be a more effective method of communication than what sometimes happens during conventional training courses. Some of the main contracting companies working at Forge Fedriga also participated at the show.