Forge Fedriga Green and Safety Magazine n.14

As from this issue, the “Green Magazine” becomes the “Green & Safety Magazine”, which, in addition to environmental topics, now includes Health and Safety at work with the purpose of stimulating participation by the outside world.


Health and Safety of workers is the primary and fundamental objective of the conduct of business. Italian Legislative Decree 81/08, commonly known as the Consolidated Safety Act, has given impetus to a conception of safety in terms of its design and management. System regulations have constituted a valid aid to those who, albeit voluntarily, wanted to have a real Safety Management System. To date, the law that governed this management was OHSAS18001, which will be withdrawn by March 2021 and substituted by ISO45001. In terms of settings, ISO45001 aligns itself with the most well-known system standards such as ISO9001 for Quality and ISO14001 for the Environment. In May 2020, Forge Fedriga has re-certified its Safety management system according to ISO45001:2018. What is new is the organisation’s approach to Safety, which starts from a precise analysis of the external and internal context in which the Company operates, which is then translated into actual activities to reduce risks and seize opportunities for improvement. Solely by way of a present-day example regarding the Covid-19 emergency, an external context of a pandemic, duly assessed, can help a working organisation prepare itself for the possible risk of contagion.


2020 will definitely be remembered for the Coronavirus, which spared nobody and resulted in numerous victims worldwide. Right from the start of the emergency, Forge Fedriga has dealt with this risk by implementing organisation actions and strategies to reduce the risk of contagion of its employees. Limiting and alternating the presence in the departments, continuous sanitization of the work environments, automatic control of body temperature for people entering the company, and anti-droplet barriers are just a few of the many measures taken and required by the Covid-19 Self-Regulation Protocol approved by the Italian Government. To be noted is the Company’s system approach that has allowed it to address this emergency in the best way possible, such as the establishment of the Covid-19 Protocol Committee; therefore … not only a mask.


Purchasing energy is an important activity for a company considering the impact it has on production costs, even more so if it is a so-called “energy-intensive” company. The free market enables the entrepreneur to have a fair margin of choice of the most advantageous supplier. Besides the economic aspects, this choice should also include the evaluation of the origin of the energy purchased. In fact, with regard to the purchase invoice of electricity, it is the supplier’s duty to inform the end customer of the energy mix for the production input into the mains network sold by it, which means the primary sources used compared to the national one. Just to give you an idea, the national mix used for the production of electricity input in the Italian electrical system in 2018, was a follows:

National mix used for the production of national EE input into the Italian electrical system for 2018
– Renewable sources 40.83 %
– Coal 12.47 %
– Natural gas 39.06 %
– Petroleum products 0.54 %
– Nuclear 4.11 %
– Other sources 2.99 %

Caring for the environment means, when purchasing, rewarding the supplier who has the best imbalance in the percentage of input of electricity sold and obtained from renewable sources (hydroelectric, wind, photovoltaic, geothermal etc.).


Companies in the Cividate Camuno sector are aware of the problem related to the downgrading, in terms of capacity, of the SS42 bridge at the exit junction on provincial road 345 for the industrial area. Downgrading due to the structural deterioration of the reinforced cement the bridge is made of and which has led the authorities to decrease the flow of traffic for obvious safety reasons. The Province of Brescia has prepared the executive plan for extraordinary maintenance of the bridge and the related financing. These are works amounting to €1.4 million and which will start at the end of 2020 and will continue in 2021. The envisaged total scheduled duration of the works is 52 weeks in which the bridge will have alternate lane traffic, 2 months of which the bridge will be closed to traffic. During these works, it is obvious that traffic will increase on the internal roads in the towns of Piancogno and Cividate Camuno, which negatively affects the environmental context.