What does corporate welfare mean, and why is it important? The experience of Forge Fedriga

Workers’ welfare has always been at the heart of Forge Fedriga’s corporate policy. The goal is to ensure an optimal work-life balance, and – over the years – several initiatives have been implemented in this regard.

When talking about corporate welfare, we refer to the set of initiatives and operational plans designed to improve the well-being of employees and – consequently – the general atmosphere in the work environment, which is tied to productivity. It is about implementing solutions that help reconcile work with everyday and private life more efficiently, benefiting employees and the Company.

The most satisfied employees are the most productive ones. Implementing corporate welfare policies allows us to increase the loyalty of the people who work for Forge Fedriga, investing in talent and attracting new skilled staff motivated and eager to join a company like Forge Fedriga, which believes in the importance of the physical, spiritual, mental, and economic well-being of its staff.


What is corporate welfare in details


As stated above, corporate welfare benefits for a Company and its employees lead to increased productivity, employee-company loyalty, and greater personal and job satisfaction. It is also important to mention the tax benefits that companies can obtain by adopting welfare policies.

But what are the actual initiatives that can be implemented? While in the past the focus was mainly on traditional benefits such as the cafeteria and corporate car, today, welfare has evolved. It aims at the all-round well-being of the employees, both individually and collectively.

For example, today, there is talk of negotiated hourly funds that help reconcile family and work, psychological support services, or even cafeteria options that allow employees to eat lunch at selected restaurants. Other examples may include care services for elderly family members and babysitting services for young families, not to mention offering shared transportation for employees who need to travel to the Company.

Corporate welfare, according to Forge Fedriga


Over the years, Forge Fedriga has always valued its employees. It offers them welfare policies that encompass not only the individuals but also their families. Over time, economic benefits such as Easter and Christmas giveaways and performance bonuses have been included, but utmost attention has also always been paid to the physical well-being and health of our employees. Comprehensive check-ups have been offered for workers and all their family members. In the latest period, an extra step has been added, with the opening of a corporate gym that can act as both stress relief and as a stimulus for improving the psycho-physical state of the people working for the Company. There is also no lack of sharing events: from off-the-job courses (such as meditation courses) to participation in metallurgy conferences and industry events.

The Forge Fedriga Management is convinced that the well-being of employees is also tied to opportunities for relaxation and recreation: this is why the Company also organizes corporate trips of one or more days. The last one took place in Rome in September 2022, but in the past, there have also been trips to Trento, the Langhe, Amsterdam, Prague, and Madrid. The intention is to continue on this path. For those interested in learning more or wanting to join the Forge Fedriga team, please contact the Company. We will have a chance to discuss who we are and how we may be the right workplace for you.